Farm Week: July 22-26, 2013

This week was a return to normalcy, as much as anything can be normal this season. With some cooler days, and some much cooler nights, we re-started our regular harvest schedule. Our boxes were nice and heavy this week with some early onions, carrots, the first of the tomatoes and cucumbers and green beans. Hopefully, this relative bounty will cushion the no-harvest blow of last week. We sped through our harvests this week, making time to chip away at the still-mounting fieldwork. We let up on our ongoing weed battles long enough to put in the very large crop of fall beets. Since we lost the first round of spring beets in the rainy weeks, it was nice to see the red polka-dotted fruits of an afternoon's labor.

After a grueling few weeks on the farm, I'm looking forward to a little mini-vacation up in Syracuse this weekend, visiting my favorite future doctor and her family. As much as I am loving and working on the farm this season, sometimes a few days away just makes returning to our little green valley that much sweeter.

Thinking about: limiting factors, generalists, mobility

Reading: Michael Pollan's Cooked, The Greenhorns' 2013 New Farmers Almanac, Selected Letters of Willa Cather

Eating: tomatoes and cucumbers, penne with kale and last year's tomato sauce, rye toast with eggs and kale tomato sauce