Farm Week: July 29 - August 2, 2013

I traveled quite a bit this week! I spent a delightful weekend visiting my friend Bianca at her parent's house  outside of Syracuse, NY. Besides seeing where she grew up and visiting some delightful little towns in the area, it was nice to be in a home and take a real shower. I got back Sunday night super refreshed and ready for another week of work.

Besides crossing state lines this week, we've crossed some calendar lines as well - August seems to have snuck up on us somehow! July somehow felt like it was still early in the season, but August seems to fall on the other end. Summer is winding down. The weather this week even seemed to tip a bit in an autumnal direction. The nights are getting cooler, and the daily dip in the stream isn't as eagerly awaited. We're only about halfway done growing vegetables, however, and the work continued this week in the fields. Besides our usual harvests, we're steadily uncovering more of our weedy crops, sometimes just in the nick of time, it seems. Our celeriac is saved, and the weeds are slowly dying in the wheeltrakcks. Where on Monday there was allegedly kale and chard, by Friday was a rainforest of leafy greens once again. Our backs might be sore from that battle, but we'll be very glad on Monday when we start the harvest cycle anew.

Thinking about: bellwethers, predators, free/cheap book addiction

Reading: Herbert Jacob's Practical Guide for Beginning Farmers (1951), Michael Pollan's Cooked, Fireside Feasts and Snow Day Treats (can't resist a cookbook)

Eating: delicious leftover homemade Indian food, grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches, new potato pancakes, wilted chard and eggs